OUR MISSION with Open Health Care Clinic is to provide affordable quality health care to our community.

Our Services

The HAART Clinic – now a service line of Open Health Care Clinic – offers culturally-sensitive sexual healthcare from birth control and LGBTQ+ wellness to HIV/STD testing, PrEP/PEP, and HIV prevention education. Alongside Open Health Care Clinic, we can assist people with access to housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services.

“HIV is not something that “guilty” people get. It is not a punishment for cheating, lying, using drugs or alcohol, having more than one partner, or not asking the right questions. It is a virus whose transmission is fueled by poverty, ignorance, racism, sexism, homophobia, fear, violence, and many other factors – not by people with HIV.”

— Positive Women's Network of the United States of America